Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Beginning

Have you ever had one of those days where you're hearing God AND you're listening? Last Sunday was one of those days for me. It was a day that is taking me on an impossible journey. God used our church's worship pastor to challenge me. God asked me to pray for the impossible to happen and the first thing that came to mind was the relationship that I wanted reconciled with Rebekah (not her real name). And not just reconciled, but the prayer to be fulfilled of us being man and wife.

I know many people will call me nuts. How can I expect anything like that to happen? She hasn't spoken to me in three years. I've reached out to her and there's been no response or acknowledgement. People will say the relationship is dead. They will say that what I want to happen is just impossible. Exactly!

Rebekah and I were housemates and had been doing things together for several years when one day I asked God that if He wanted us to be together romantically, He would show me white Saturn cars while I was out and about. Although this may seem foolish, it is biblically sound. Abraham's trusted servant prayed a similar prayer when he was sent to search for a wife for Isaac. He prayed for a specific thing to be said and a specific action to be taken by the woman that God intended to be Isaac's wife.

I spent the day traveling by bus to run errands in different parts of the county that I live in. Every time that I got off the bus, you guessed it, I saw a white Saturn. I was so amazed every time that it happened, I must have had a grin stretching from ear to ear. My faith was weak, though, and I had to ask for one more thing. Before my last connection to get home arrived, I prayed that if God wanted me to tell Rebekah that I loved her, He would have her come to my door and ask me if I would like to go out to dinner.

I got home and started to unwind, when no more than five minutes later there was a knock on my door. If you're a hopelessly sentimental romantic like me, you know what happened next. I went and opened the door and there she was. If you're wondering if she asked me if I wanted to go out for dinner, well, YES!

What happened at dinner is for another time, but what you must know is that God has continued to show me white Saturns to this very day, and more specifically like the car she drove at the time.

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